
Showing posts from October, 2020

BMO From Adventure Time Wrist Cuff

Free Pattern: Us 5.5 mm or 5.00 mm crochet hook Size 4 medium worsted weight yarn Cuff (Teal): Chain 24, slip stitch into the first chain without twisting. Chain 1 and work a single crochet into each chain. Slip stitch into the first single crochet, chain 1, and repeat for a total of 12 rows. Buttons: Red (large circle)- Make a magic ring (or chain 4) and place 6 half double crochets inside. Green (small circle)- Make a magic ring (or chain 4) and place 6 single crochets inside. Turquoise (triangle)- Make a magic ring (or chain 4). Chain 3. Place 2 single crochets. Then a half-double crochet. Another 2 single crochet. One last half double crochet. Place another 2 single crochets and slip stitch into the third chain and fasten off.  Yellow (plus sign)- Chain 3 and skip the first chain and place 2 single crochets into the chains. slip stitch into the circle. You'll repeat this process 3 more times creating the 4 edges of the plus sign. After the 4th slip stitch, do one last slip stit

Jack From Adventure Time Wrist Cuff -

  Free Pattern: Us 5.5 mm or 5.00 mm crochet hook Size 4 medium worsted weight yarn Cuff (Yellow/Gold): Chain 24, slip stitch into the first chain without twisting. Chain 1 and work a single crochet into each chain. Slip stitch into the first single crochet, chain 1, and repeat for a total of 12 rows. You can check out the full pattern here .  Eyes: Black - Make a magic circle (or chain 4) and place 5 half double crochets. In the next row place 2 single crochets into each stitch.  White - Make a magic circle (or chain 4) and place 5 half-double crochets into the circle.  Nose: Black- Make a magic circle (or chain 4) and place 7 single crochets inside. Change to the yellow of the cuff. Chain 4 single crochet. Single crochet into the 4 chains you just made Place 2 double crochet in the next 5 stitches. Chain 4 and place 4 single crochet into the newest chains, slip stitch into the stitch right before you made the chains, and fasten off.  Ears: Yellow- Magic circle (or chain 4) and plac