
Showing posts from July, 2020

Body Scrubby Pattern (Loofa)

Free Pattern: Us 5.5 mm or 5.00 mm crochet hook Size 4 medium worsted weight yarn Start by chaining 4 and slip stitching into the first chain, or making a magic circle.  Row 1: Chain three, double crochet 24 times into the circle (25 total). Chain 50 (or however long you want the handle) Slip stitch into the third chain at the begging to fish the round. Row 2: Chain 3 And double crochet three times into the same stitch (4 total) Then in each stitch put 4 double crochets. Slip stitch into the third chain at the beginning to finish off the round. Row 3: Repeat row 2. But at the end fasten off. You can add more rows if felt necessary but I like the size of three rows. I learned to make this circle a little loofa or bath scrubby which is what I prefer to call it because I wanted to find a new thing to try and make as a gift for my friends. I am not really sure what to write about this pattern when I was planning what I wanted to give to my friends and family for birthdays and holidays,

I Had A Really Great Moment.

One thing that took me a long time to get past, was the worry that if I gift people my crochet crafts, they wouldn't like it. And I am not saying they all do, but only recently I started giving people my items, because well, I'm running out of space. So I started gifting people, and so far no one has complained, I've actually had two people message me showing that they were using the bags I made them. Honestly made me really happy. Being recognized for your work is an awesome thing. I try my hardest to always and only make useful things. So like some people make stuff like stuffed animals which some people like, but most of the people I gift are adults. But even then there are some things people crochet or knit that I'm sorry are just kinda useless. I assume it's mostly for looks or clicks online, but I like to make things I hope someone could actually end up using. Recently I had an annual party where I was the host. I decided to make things like hats, soda co