
Showing posts from February, 2020

Planning And Thinking And Rambling

I could easily add these posts to my main blog. But I realize one reason my main blog isn't one everyone follows directly is because I don't have one single theme. I post about my life, my hobbies, and just about whatever I want. I like it that way, the theme is me. For a long time I tried to change my blog, make new ones, just to try and earn some money. I was going through a dark time and not realizing what I was doing. Of course, when I work hard and long on a blog, it isn't insane to like/want ads on your blog. I am not selfish, I am human. But to apply for Adsense, through google, since that is my personal opinion is the best one, there are some requirements. For the blogger, google requires the blog to be live for 6 months, need to look clean and organized, and about 50 posts with over 500 words. Obviously, they have a longer list of requirements, but these are the main ones. Meaning if you have a whole bunch of different ads clouding your blog you won't get ac

Starting A Crochet Blog

Hey, my name is Carolann. I have a few blogs like Cermit Talks and Cooking With Cermit. Crocheting is my all-time favorite hobby, I've been crocheting since I was 13. I originally started with kitting, and then found the wonders of crocheting. For multiple reasons, I feel like crocheting is better for me. For example, I can stop at any point since it's not all stuck on the needle, like knitting. And in the past, I have lost a single knitting needle and had to buy a brand new set. Kind of annoying. I have grown a collection of tools and patterns that have become my favorite. And since I use crochet blogs a lot to look for new patterns or ideas, I thought my knowledge after so many years could do the same for someone else. I have been putting off making a blog because I know I will have to write a lot. Not that writing its self is hard, But I always hate those blogs that have an entire book before the pattern, and have 30 or so ads making it impossible to read and enjoy withou