Starting A Crochet Blog

Hey, my name is Carolann. I have a few blogs like Cermit Talks and Cooking With Cermit. Crocheting is my all-time favorite hobby, I've been crocheting since I was 13. I originally started with kitting, and then found the wonders of crocheting. For multiple reasons, I feel like crocheting is better for me. For example, I can stop at any point since it's not all stuck on the needle, like knitting. And in the past, I have lost a single knitting needle and had to buy a brand new set. Kind of annoying. I have grown a collection of tools and patterns that have become my favorite. And since I use crochet blogs a lot to look for new patterns or ideas, I thought my knowledge after so many years could do the same for someone else. I have been putting off making a blog because I know I will have to write a lot. Not that writing its self is hard, But I always hate those blogs that have an entire book before the pattern, and have 30 or so ads making it impossible to read and enjoy without my phone pausing and glitching, as well as just taking the time I don't have. I am not attacking anyone. But I have spent years blogging and have found certain things that might seem like a good idea from the author's side but makes it suck as a reader. I have been trying to "perfect" my craft to give the best experience but also help me. Since I obviously want to put ads on my blog like my others, I want to aim for the best ones. In the best, I have tested out ad sites and honestly, I don't like any of them. Not that they all suck but from my experience, they just were not what I think would be best on a blog. Besides google. Google has not done me wrong yet. The hardest part though is making sure I make the posts correctly to be able to apply. The wonderful thing with bloggers is the only requirements are the posts themselves. You don't have to have a minimum of any views unlike how AdSense within google does for youtube. Anyway so back to what I was saying, I don't want to ramble on before the pattern but I do need a word count. Not that I wouldn't want to write this just takes time which I am willing to give. Don't get me wrong I am grateful and excited to start this blog. I just thought I'd write my beginning thoughts as, since I have said, I need words. If you are reading this I want to thank you, just for your time, and I can't wait to add patterns and opinions in the crochet community since it is a community I am so proud to be a part of. I want to note I don't make all the patterns, I use them and alter them in some way to make them how I need them. I don't claim to have come up with everything myself. I believe this community is about sharing and learning. I don't think anyone should directly steal someone's pattern but some of these patterns like I said I change, or I have used for so many years that I have no idea where they came from since it was probably a random blog I found on Pinterest. Which this will hopefully happen with mine, I don't need recognition since I believe we are a community of learners, creators, and shares.

I wanted to add a little something. It has been over a year since this post, my blog has grown a little bit but mostly my knowledge has grown. I hope soon to be able to get ads on this blog, not that it changes how I write but it is always nice to be rewarded for all the hard work. I can not wait to share this blog everywhere. I am currently going through all my posts and adding some more information that I tend to forget, like yarn size and hook size. As well as just some more talking because who doesn't love talking a ton of wordy information before the information you are looking for. The sarcasm of course but I hope this will help my viewership and get these awesome patterns out to the crocheters who need them. There are so many things I want to do but I am waiting for that moment where everything feels right, and when it comes to life I feel like that is the wrong decision but I feel like when it comes to extra work of promoting and sharing I want to wait till All the previous work will be worth all the future work if that makes sense?


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