Planning And Thinking And Rambling

I could easily add these posts to my main blog. But I realize one reason my main blog isn't one everyone follows directly is because I don't have one single theme. I post about my life, my hobbies, and just about whatever I want. I like it that way, the theme is me. For a long time I tried to change my blog, make new ones, just to try and earn some money. I was going through a dark time and not realizing what I was doing. Of course, when I work hard and long on a blog, it isn't insane to like/want ads on your blog. I am not selfish, I am human. But to apply for Adsense, through google, since that is my personal opinion is the best one, there are some requirements. For the blogger, google requires the blog to be live for 6 months, need to look clean and organized, and about 50 posts with over 500 words. Obviously, they have a longer list of requirements, but these are the main ones. Meaning if you have a whole bunch of different ads clouding your blog you won't get accepted. And if you have 100 posts with just a sentence you don't get accepted. Thankfully for bloggers, through google, you don't have to have a minimum readership, google pretty just requires good quality. Which makes me feel almost honored to have an account at all. Obviously, people have different views, but this is the main reason I like to google the best, with blogger, is because the quality look and content of your blog is more important than who sees it, unlike how youtube requires you to have 1,000 subscribers, and 4,000 hours of watch time. This is a lot for a small content creator, I do get views to my blog, normally about 50-100 a day, which gets better over time. But it's nice to be such a small creator and still get recognized for ads. Just like how my podcast, Nobody's Tea But Our Own, has ads through the site I use to produce the podcast. It makes me feel honored almost to be a small creator if that makes sense. I know for a while there will be a lot of rambling on this blog, to meet the minimum. But I will still try and do what I talked about in my first post, making it easy to see the actual pattern. My plan is to put the pattern on top and the rambling below, unlike most blogs, they want to explain their pattern, and I respect that, but sometimes it's so hard to just get to that small pattern that it almost makes me angry as I am trying to learn something new. I am a perfectionist and when I cant figure something out I get frustrated. Getting better takes time. And this blog will take time, but I need to remember that I can't hold back. I need to work and work hard for this blog. I am not going to apologize for my rambling, but thank you for reading, there will be awesome posts on this blog, just wait.

Well fun update, there are some awesome blog posts on this blog, if you are reading this man you got far down here. I am actually changing some things I am working on that I had mentioned, such as the 500 words. I have done that and still haven't gotten to my goal. I have put countless hours of work into this blog. I want to talk about how getting ads does not make me a lot of money, with the other blog I have I don't make very much, I don't even make a few cents a month sometimes. But it gives it the chance to be able to make money, which I feel is a minimum for something I want to make my life and something I put so much hard work and time into I feel like it is only fair. Similar to how people who make art should never undercharge just because they don't feel it is worth it when it is, This is my charge you know?

I am spending the next little while, not when this was posted, to work on all my posts and update them and try and get them perfect. I am excited to feel more confident about my blog, I have been a little bad about how I have been treating it since I have been down about not getting AdSense the first time around but to be fair who does, it took a while even on my main blog before I knew what I was doing. This is probably going to take a while, but it will all be worth it.


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