Why Are Mistakes Important?


If you know anything about crocheting or knitting you know that comes with mistakes. And honestly, I love my mistakes. Well to a point. I have spent years perfecting my craft and even after 8 years there are still people who are better than me, but I think that's always the case or at least everyone feels that way. Every single pattern and thing I have crafted, there has been at least 1 if not many many failed attempts. For the first 5 years, I could not even make a straight-sided blanket. But with every mistake, I have gotten better and better and honestly so much better than I ever thought I would be. I actually made something today that I am just so proud of myself, over the moon proud of myself. There are only maybe less than five patterns online and they all require tons of adding and sewing and it was just something I would not have fun with, but I made my own pattern that is fun and looks amazing. As I digress I have learned so much and with every mistake, I make normally I learn something new, sometimes a stitch or a new method. And I can use the new thing I learned in a new pattern later on. 

With all that being said, never let a failed project or messing up push you away from crocheting. There was a time for a while that I kind of gave up, I wasn't motivated and nothing was good, it was the time of the uneven blankets, and I just didn't do it very often but I still had a passion and when I picked dit up again i was stronger than ever in motivation. Well probably not right away, but now I crochet every day, I even have a crochet needle tattoo. Honestly make mistakes, they will improve your skill 100%. And if you keep messing up, go online, Pinterest, google, youtube, and just keep strolling. Keep searching. I have spent probably just as much time crocheting, well not that much but it is meant to sound like a lot, searching the internet for stitches, patterns, ideas, and everything in between. I have said before how I get frustrated with patterns and I hate staring at a pattern to create something because I do n to feel like I learn as much and I want to be able to make them any time. So just because you can not find a pattern in a few minutes or only find a complicated pattern do not be discouraged. If you want to make something and can not find anything let me know! I will 100% try and make the pattern easier and make it from scratch. I want to make crocheting easier, and more accessible. 

I hope this encouraged you to keep going, mistakes are the most important thing, fail and learn and create something amazing. I know you have got this and if you do not, ask or find help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. And the internet is your best friend. I know people don't talk about their mistakes but I promise you that all the patterns you see online have made mistakes to get to that pattern. It was not there first to try, trust me.


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