Mushroom Lighter Holder Pattern


Free Pattern:
Us 5.5 mm or 5.00 mm crochet hook
Size 4 medium worsted weight yarn

The Stem of Mushroom:
Make a magic ring or chain 4 and slip stitch into the first chain to create a circle.
Row 1: Chain 1. Place 9 single crochets into the circle.
Row 2-13: Work a single crochet into every stitch.
Row 14: Chain 100 and slip stitch to the opposite side of the stem. Fasten off.

The Cap of Mushroom:
Chain 8 and slip stitch into the first chain.
Row 1: Chain 1. Place 11 single crochet into the circle.
Row 2: Increase every stitch by placing two single crochets into each stitch.
Rows 3-6: Place a single crochet into each sitch
Row 7: For the look in the picture repeat row 3. (if you want a more rounder look decrease all stitches by combining two stitches together all the way around.) Slip stitch and fasten off.

If you want dots on your mushroom for more of a Mario look this is what I recommend.
Make a magic circle or chain 4 and slip stitch into the first chain.
Row 1: Place 10 single crochets into the circle. Slip stitch and fasten off.

This is such a fun pattern. Honestly, I love it. And of course, I saw it on TikTok so I had to try and recreate it. It was so simple I didn't even look for a pattern. So if you have never been on this blog before I like to only make useful things. This means I tend not to make many clothes or stuffed animals though they can be considered useful, only certain people like those kinds of things, and none of the people I gift to do. I mainly crochet things that I can gift or see as a future gift. The reason I love this pattern so much is one it is cute and customizable like anything you can crochet. But it holds something, a lighter or chapstick or whatever, but it just feels more useful to me than other things I see on Pinterest. Not to mention a lot of people I know smoke which means most people I know own a lighter, and if they don't again chapstick. It is just so darn cute. Once the world opens up again this would be perfect for wearing if you are going out and think you might smoke, or even if you want to hide something you aren't supposed to have at a rave or concert. Not saying I condone that but you know. 

I really love the crochet TikTok community. It is so amazing to see other people crochet because I don't really know anyone and it is my favorite hobby. It is probably my favorite thing to do. It is so heartwarming to see so many other people do it. Not to mention because of the pandemic and staying inside so many people have tried taking up new hobbies like crocheting and it filled my heart with joy seeing so many new people try it. Though I do not imagine many people keeping the hobby, I thought it was awesome to see it so often because it truly is such an amazing hobby once you get the hang of it. I know learning anything can be frustrating, to begin with, but after you figure it out it is amazing. 

There are some fun things you can do to customize these. I actually tried to make an acorn in the same type of pattern, I think I will be posting that I’m not sure. I do so many trials, not everything gets written down. But the idea of just changing either the bottom of the top shape to create something new and have the hidden compartment necklace idea I think is so cute. I also always love when I get an idea from TikTok. I learned to crochet so many years ago from no one in particular and did not have any friends who also crochets as much as me, like I do it so much I have a tattoo of a crochet needle. I want to come up with some more cute designs like this I think it is an easy gift that can be made up in only a few hours. I think having maybe different fruit would be really cute make the top instead of a big mushroom head make its little leaves, I will absolutely work on this soon that is so cute because the leaves can be mostly the same and then change the shape and color a little bit to change the fruit. Not that I know exactly what to put in these but you could put maybe a little pill bottle that you need to keep with you
Or if you make it long enough a medication pen or like this one is meant for a high lighter was the original idea but you can put anything in it honestly.


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