What's In My Crochet Bag

I actually have a few crochet bags but I am going to be talking about my main one today. It is a small clear bag that I keep all my essential crochet tools in that is small enough to fit into a purse or bag of any kind. I am just gonna list everything inside and why I have it, in case there is any confusion on why I consider it essential. I really do recommend having some sort of set of tools. Even if you are just starting out because maybe you get lost or forget something or lose something. Even if it is not a bag specific for your tools, try and keep all your stuff together it really helps. I personally like having a handheld bag because I can stick it in my backpack to bag when I go somewhere and all I have to grab is a ball of yarn and I can figure out a project on the way if I don't already have one laying around. 

Hooks - This one is obvious, when you crochet you need hooks because that's the whole basis of crocheting. I also happen to keep my loom knitting tool so I don't lose it. I used to keep my latch hook as well but I haven't done it in so long I actually put it in a cup with my collection of hooks and knitting needles. I tend to carry all the different hooks I have used in the past for projects, so if I ever want to start a different project that may not be a regular I can. I tend to have 5.0 and 5.5. As well as 10.0 and 9.0 or 3.25 and 4.25. Just ones you tend to or have used in projects you like. I normally just leave them in there and every once in a while go through and sort through to decide what I want to keep in there. 

Yarn needle - These are so small that if I didn't keep them in my bag id never be able to find them when I needed them. But these are good for finishing up projects or sewing in ends. This is a lifesaver some times I mostly use it for sewing on faces and it makes it so easy. Also highly recommend getting a needle with a movable plastic end, I got mine at a yarn shop a year or so ago and it has made the little sewing I do actually enjoyable and I am not struggling to get the yarn in. According to a similar item on amazon it is called a Cord Eye? not sure if that is right but I absolutely love them.

Place markers - I actually now have a whole collection of different colors of place markers. But you can simply use a paper clip but these are always handy for saving a specific stitch or figuring out how you want to alter a project. These are a must-have for so many reasons. Even if you arent marking I stitch, I use some to mark where I change yarn and so on.

Measuring Tape - I always have one handy this is one of the first things I started keeping with my crochet hooks because when I would make a hat or something I would aim for a specific length. This is just a great thing for any craft, I have a retractable one that is super cute and fits perfectly in my little bag.

Notebook and Pen - This is great for taking notes and keeping some record of past and future ideas and patterns. I use mine for testing notes, patterns, as well as ideas and they are all snug in a little notebook. It is very small but it is perfect for what I need it for. If you have a bigger bag you could easily put a regular notebook. And a pen of your choice, mine is a little skull hand and I love it very much. Also under this category, I have recently put a tiny planner so I can keep track of my temperature blanket. With a planner, you can keep track of dates and when things need tor to be finished or if you are doing something mood or temperature-related this is a great way to keep track and it fits with everything else so no matter where I crochet I can see if I need to work on something.

Scissors - This one is simple, something to cut the yarn with when you finish or change colors on a project. You can have tiny craft scissors or I actually have regular IKEA scissors that happen to fit perfectly, whatever works for you.

A little bag - yes it is a little bag inside a little bag. But personally, I like to keep all scraps for different reasons, you can use them as stuffing, decoration, or just keep it in a bag. But I never like to waste any yarn. In the past, I have put them in pretty bottles, and have used them as stuffing. My bag is actually part of a makeup/travel bag that I got at Walmart. Inside was a bag inside a bag in two bottles and the bags I use were the two inside. I use the main bag for my bath stuff which is why I actually bought it. But there are probably plenty of ways to hold your yarn scraps.

This is everything that is in my crochet bag, it does change from time to time but this is about the gist of what I have. I would love to hear what is in your crochet bag!


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