What To Do With Yarn Scraps

What to do with your yarn scraps.

I save every piece of yarn scraps I make. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m talking about those little yarn pieces you cut off when you change yarn or finish a project, I mean if you don’t weave them all in like a psychopath. I keep all mine in a small bag in my main crochet bag and then when it gets full I transfer them to the universal ziplock bag I have in my room. Well, you are probably looking for the answer to the question at hand. 

Use the scraps for stuffing. Hear me out, might sound weird or maybe you don’t make anything that needs stuffing and I hear you. I normally never do because I like to make things that are “useful” (in quotes because stuffed animals can be useful but I’m thinking of more things you physically can use day to day) but you will get that itch at some point. I have been crocheting for eight-plus years and I always felt stuffed things were way too complicated for my preferred way of crocheting, I never tried for a long time. But after years I have figured it out and now when I feel unmotivated I look on Instagram, for inspiration and there are most stuffed things than not because they look cute and tend to get more attention. 

The main reason I don’t make stuffed things very often is that like I said they are not always used day today, and because I hate long increases and decreases. I have an entire post about that if you want to check it out. But I have started to really learn how to get around that with simple increases and decreases and you can find those patterns here on my blog. I work really hard to try and make my patterns for everyone including beginners. The only thing I don't provide is how to do the stitches. Once you got the basics all my patterns tend to be beginner-friendly.

Anyway back to the stuffing. For small projects, yarn scraps can be a great way to replace stuffing. I don’t buy stuffing since I don’t create things very often that need it and if I did buy it, it would probably just sit in my room collecting dust. The only bad thing about using yarn scraps is it can be heaven. Meaning pillows don’t work. As well as anything that might need to keep its head up. It works for single body things such as crewmates or worms.  I learned the hard way recently that even with multiple tries, the yarn just always ends up being too heavy no matter how little you put in.

Maybe you do weave in your ends but maybe you have some yarn you just hate. Whether it’s the color or the size or the texture everyone ends up with yarn they don’t want. All you gotta do is cut it up and boom stuffing and yarn scraps.

I want to note all my yarn scraps are fairly small and if the extra yarn I have can be rolled even into the tiniest ball I pout it with my bag of small balls and not in the scraps but if it too small to roll then I consider it a yarn scrap.


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