Temperature Blanket 2021

If you might have seen last year I made a post about a temperature blanket. and it failed miserably. I started way late in the year and was already behind and I wasn't motivated with the style and I made my own chart, which was a good chart in theory. But I realized soon that it wasn't actually the best idea. It was evenly spaced between high and low. But the temperatures here don't get super hot or super cold and the two months that I did do last year were all green except for maybe less than 10 rows of other colors. It just didn't look good and it is because where I live it doesn't really get higher than the  80 nor really lower than 40. Like currently in January we are in the middle of winter it is still not even the second to lowest color on my new chart. 

This year I wanted to do something different and I set it up to use a stitch that I will enjoy because I always enjoy it. I would defiantly recommend making yours based on your average temperatures and stitches you will enjoy all year long. I hope that I continue this one because I'm actually excited about this one unlike last year where I didn't have a plan nor had I thought it through. But I will share my shart because I think the idea is good but you should absolutely change the temperatures of yours so that it has more of a range of colors, because that the point you know?

My Chart For Oregon:
Black <75
Red 70-74
Orange 65-69
Yellow 60-64
Green 55-59
Blue 50-54
Purple 45-49
Pink 40-44
White >39

For the chart, I had a few ideas. I changed the colors so that warm colors (such as red, orange, and yellow) were for warmer days. Then cooler colors (such as green blue and purple.) were for cooler days. and I wanted to have two colors for any days that were considered extreme, or out of the norm, and I am calling them death colors so black is for anything hotter and white is for anything cooler and I tried to match it up with the warm and cool colors even though they aren't considered either. I really like how I did the charter color-wise this year I am really proud of it. I also want to note the reason I am not specific with colors like I see other people do is that I use second-hand yarn and I also crochet every day so I prefer to use more broad colors so I don't have to save any yarn for this specific project. Though I did put all these colors in a bag if I ran out id be able to use another instead of doing shades. Because normally people buy their yarn and if they ran out they could buy more but I have so many different brands and a lot of them don't have labels. With all that, it is not as easy for me to just go out and get more. And the yarn is expensive which is why I love second-hand yarn. 

For the stitch, I am going to be doing a continuous granny square and every side of the sure in each row will be a day. Well, that was my original plan but I'm thinking after 6 rows or so I will do every half side of the square. Either way, I think it is going to look sick and hopefully won't be much bigger than a king-sized blanket. I could do granny squares any day of the week, I mean I do, which is why I wanted to do this. Though I want to note I hate the beginning so I don't like doing granny squares and connecting them but the stitch is the thing that I love it is so simple and relaxing. 

That is the gist of this year's temperature blanket. If I stay motivated I will update you later on this year!

Well hello, it is now June and I wanted to add a little update to this post. Next month I will be sharing an entire post about being halfway through and how I feel about it and how it is going so if you want to check that out it will be there soon. But right here I want to talk about how great it was that I set the temperature specific to my area. When it was snowing the color got to white and when it got so hot I had to have the air conditioner on all day it got to black. It really ranged almost perfectly. We are not all the way through summer but the great thing is I did not set it too low that so far I have only had 2 days of black. I don't know how I will feel about the exact temperatures I set by the end of the year I might tweak it a bit but so far I am so pleased and proud of the temperatures I choose. I definitely want to do another one next year but I do not think I want to do a rainbow again maybe dedicate a different color I am not sure yet because I only buy reused yarn which means I do not always have the choices in colors but I also want to see how much yarn I use by the end of the year. But for real lookup average (if you are doing by averages) low and high temperature and base it on that. I know it sounds like work but this will be a year-long project that will take up your year and your time and if you do someone else's chart you might not get to see the whole range of colors. What is the point in including a color in your chart if you never get to it? 


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