I Got My First Commission!


Last month I started posting on a new Instagram page just for my crochet projects, I have wanted to sell my craft for a long time but I finally got the courage, and it is going well! I have only got one commission so far but I wanted to talk about what I have learned so far just from the first-ever commission. 

1. Shipping is expensive

I also see things about small businesses online and their shipping is only a few dollars. But a lot of small businesses sell things like jewelry or lipgloss or something that can fit into a padded envelope. Which some things I create can but things like blankets are a whole other story. I finally found a set price that I could base it on, I have looked at shipping and all that stuff in the past but it is different once you get an order, I didn't take into consideration how big/small the boxes were and that I'd need a bigger one. About half my projects won't be able to fit into an envelope making the prices more expensive. I think the most important thing to remember is that it is worth it and if someone is not willing to pay that's okay.

2. Knowing your worth

This is a hard one to get behind. Every small business or crochet site I see they always say know the worth of your products and never undersell. As a poor person I never buy from small businesses, I know its not good to promote that but I don't have the luxury of custom things and that's okay. But this also means I understand when people don't want to pay. When I was asked how much I wanted for the blanket I said about 10 because that seemed fair on top of shipping, but after being online some more I realized I probably should have charged more, I spent time worrying and rushing and trying my hardest to get it out before the short timeline I set for myself. I deserve more for all my work, I have a life and I do things to where I cant crochet 24/7 but even if I could motivation can be hard to get sometimes. I thought getting paid would give me all the motivation I needed but it was still hard, there are just days or even weeks where I just can't do what I want. Id recommends looking online and deciding based on that. I think I want to make a chart for myself just as a reminder but also maybe to put on my Instagram, which might also help you. But know that your creation is worth a lot more than you think, and if someone doesn't want to pay that's okay, that happens to every small business, some people don't see the work that goes into something handmade, and that's okay you don't need their money. 

3. Time

This was one of the things I didn't think about at all, I had put that I would take custom orders on my Instagram but I didn't think I would get one so fast, I thought that I would just give myself how much time I have don't before, but I completely forgot to take into consideration circumstances, and my life, and just that every day is different and I should give myself more time. I gave myself two weeks, and yes I did finish before then because I was forcing myself, but I got so stressed about it. Next time I will give way more time, and if you have more than one order give yourself even more time. Your stuff is handmade with lots of love and years of work and trial and error. Don't stress y9ourslef out, give yourself plenty of time, and if they still don't want it, put it in your stock, or give it away as gifts. Most of my creations I give away as birthday and Christmas gifts because it gives me motivation. 


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