Believing in Dreams


I talk in a recent post about how some people do not support my design to follow my dream. I feel too many people live in the future rather than the present. I want to be here, I want to enjoy today because I really do not know if there is going to be a tomorrow, no one does. 

I did not have a goal in life for a long time, I did not want to be around long enough. Even in high school when my graduation depended on it, I had nothing. I did graduate just to clear the air, but not the same way as my friends because I do not have the same motivation they did. I have had a youtube for almost a decade, I have had a blog for years. I have been on the internet for 70% of my life. I know it is a common dream nowadays to become famous over TikTok or Youtube but it is not famous that I want. I do not want to be known by millions or stopped on the street. I want to live by doing things I love. I want to write, I want to crochet for a living. Blogging is the best way to do that nowadays unless I had a good enough book to sell to a publisher but I do not, I do want to write a crochet book but that's for another topic.

My point is I do not need or search for the same fame that others do, I want to make a living. Which does require attention which is why I try and make new, exciting, and fun content and I try and post often, as well as posting on TikTok, youtube, and so on. I do try to get people to see my content but again not for endless fame, but just to make a living, to prove that you can do anything. 

It is crazy how I can spend more time on this blog, give more effort, and more dedication than any office worker, and yet no one respects me because I do not have a time card. I can not wait for the future when all the old people are gone and we can finally move forward in the world of acceptance. I know that is kind of hard and rude to say but I feel that when we are all older as a generation, we can show the world the true power of technology and peace. It will not be simple but I know one day we will.

I know this is kind of rambling but I always get so heartbroken will people cast doubt on me. I know I can do it and I will not stop trying just because they never could do what I could. Not everyone had the dedication and patience to continue for years and master the practice of a craft. I mean come on, look at TikTok, do not get me wrong I use it every day, which has fifteen-second videos, similar to Vine, just to keep our attention because we have no attention span. Again I love TikTok but that does not change the reality of our world. If you told someone that had to do so this for years or learn to become amazing at a craft with no help and no encouragement, most people would tell you they couldn't do it or fail within a year. I know I can and I just have to keep reminding myself. Thanks for listening to my rant, it just gets hard but I know I can do it. 


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