Crochet Hoop Skirt Test Number One

Started crocheting this test on 4/13/2020
Chain 10
I think doing a back loop single crochet for the band will make it stretchy and better for a skirt.

I measured the bottom of my hoop, which can be altered and I will put that into thought, and it was about 123 inches.

My first thought was to do two stitches in each stick in each row, slowly increasing, But I had an idea to put many switches into each stitch at the top, and then singles down the bottom, and just make sure there is enough at the top, and it will create that folded look at the top hopefully. So about 10 stitches are about 2 inches. With some math (5x123 (5 because that's how many stitches per inch) = 615) which is a lot of stitches

Still working on the band but I just measured where I think the base is going to lay and it was 53 inches. Just finished the band and tried it on with the hoop, I am very pleased. It is about 93 rows, I am kinda bad at counting rows. but not stretched the band is about 44 inches. I say unstretched because the back loop stitch makes it stretchy, I wanted it to be a bit smaller so It would just fall off or something, I based it on how it fit around my waist, and this fit exactly how I wanted it. Doing some math (615/93=6.6 stitches per opening) I don't want to do exactly what I measured since it could be off so I will want to add more stitches. I'm thinking 8 stitches per loop just at the beginning?

After connecting the band together I turned it and put 8 single crochets into each opening of each row down the side of the band. It gets wavy but that should create eventually the illusion of the folding that many dresses have at the band. I then added double crochets into each stitch and continued that. I guess we shall just see how it goes. I am on row three and this is taking a very long time.

I have officially stopped this test for a few reasons. I recently made a skirt for cosplay and use a similar technique like this one. But it failed miserably. Once enough rows were added the weight distorted the skirt. Instead of fitting snug on my waist like it originally did, it could fit two of me inside the waistband. Yes, you can use a tie or elastic but it would have to bunch together and wouldn't look very good. This way of doing it requires an insane amount of yarn and creates a lot of weight. I do still want to try a hoop skirt but I have come up with a better idea. With increasing but no the usual type, only in selected areas making it an easy pattern to follow. At some point, if I have nothing to work on I will try this test again. I will not give up on this idea because hoops are very fun and I want to try and make some princess cosplays with my hoop skirt. 


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